Thursday, October 16, 2008

Charles Page (Watching His Story) at his best!

The following post was made by Charles Page of Collierville, TN. He wrote this at 3:16 in the morning and posted it on The Bratton Report. Thankfully it was quickly removed, but Charles has not learned his lesson. These are his own words as he wrote that morning. He has continued to bully other blogs and people. While he did slow down some he is back at it again. He must have thought our promises to him were hollow. They weren't then nor now. Well, copies this very graphic post along with some of his other graphic ones are about to be plastered all over the Collierville area. We will let his neighbors form their own opinons and judgments.
What you are about to read is very graphic but I posted it at 3:16 am when I could not sleep. Unlike you and XXXXXXXX I am not able to sleep, it is 3:16 am and I have to go to work in the morning. Yes, XXXXXXXX, I work at FedEx for John and Jeffery. Mike you imply that you and I are alike and that my language is lurid and prurient. Your implication is that I am lewd and vulgar. You need to protect the spring chickens from people like ourselves. XXXXXXXX said that my comments were way over line. Do you both have to be reminded that the female sexual organ was not created to be penetrated without the natural lubricant provided by foreplay and thus arousal? Do you have to be reminded that the human anus was not created to be pentrated by a male sexual organ? Actually I am miles apart from comprehending what the two victims went through when they were raped and they both have told me so I tried to reach them with the message of forgiveness and God's love and their furry (sic) was unleashed on me. I failed. I can't sleep. Mike, do you realize that lurid and pruient behavior is what the priest and SBC ordained minister did to a young man and woman. They fucked them! You and XXXXX are bothered by me and the danger my language might do to spring chickens. Do you know what a male penis attached to an ordained SBC minister who worked side by side with AR for 34 years did to that man's son? Do you realize the pain, humiliation and confusion that he has caused to Bellevue? He walked the halls for seventeen years, Mike, seventeen years! No Mike, you and I are miles apart. You are probally sleeping well about now. I am wide awake and am broken hearted and I have been broken hearted now for nine months. I am not debating I am suffering through spiritual warfare against an enemey so bent on distruction. He is alive and I am exhausted in the struggle. So when you awake in the morning straighten me out with your wisdom and guide me with your scripture. I'm going to try to get some sleep.

3:48 AM, August 25, 2007

Which story is correct and which one is a lie? You be the judge.

I have told two (2) different versions of this story. Somewhat like the snake thing. Which one do you believe? Whatever one you pick I will try and stick with. But I must confess it is hard keeping my stories straight the older I get. Thanks in advance for your help.

This one I posted on another blog first: I went to my pastor (I am not a member there) and shareed (shared) it all with him. He is a very conservative SBC and he believes that God does give revelations. (He really does. If you don't believe me go ask him yourself. He is the pastor at FBC Collierville. Be sure to tell him I said hi.) We talfed (talked) scripture (Scripture) and he gave me a book to study (title and author I can't recall right now) but it was about the judgement (judgment) seat of Christ and the judgements (judgments) Christians would receive in heaven. While he was wisely uncommital (noncommittal) to me about my vision, I shared with him that I believe that I Cor 3:13-15 implied and he nodded agreement. (I hope you forgive me for my misspellings, I was so full of the spirit I am not sure if it came out of a bottle or a book.)

But then somewhat later I posted this: I sought God for boldness, and that prayer led me to my pastor. On the evening of the 29th I met with him and he opened his Bible to John 15 and talked about it. As I left his comment was, "You sure have passion!" I knew that I came to him with too much zeal that lacked in knowledge.

Which one do you like; the noncommittal version or the "you sure have passion" one?

You be the judge! Do you see what I see? Didn't think so.

There Is A Snake On The Path!!!

On the evening of June 21, 2006 I was walking my dog, Roscoe, on the wagon trail that leads to Johnson Park in Collierville. There was a big snake directly in my path so close that my next step would have been on it. I wasn't looking down and to get my attention it squiggled on the asphalt. I looked down and stopped quickly to see a four-foot snake with its head raised upright about four inches. We made eye to eye contact and it was not going to move. My dog never reacted at all, and I quickly pulled him away to avoid a possible dog-snake confrontation. I guess I had quickly surmised that as close as I had been to the snake it would have bitten me if it were a biting snake. Strangely enough I had been studying the Bible about being wise as serpents and harmless as doves in obedience to Christ. Snakes (and that ain't all I have been researching. You should see some of those homo pornographic sites I have visited. Don't believe me? Here is an excerpt from one of my earlier posts [*The search for resources is so morbid and evil that I can not link to it. There was not a site for father/son sex which is an evil that evil people will not deal with!]) had been on my mind and my first thought as I encountered this snake was that there was a serpent in the garden. I was far enough from the snake that there was no danger (wait a minute something is wrong. Did I misspeak {lie}? I previously said I almost stepped on it, and now I am 4 feet away from it?) I thought that it would just move on across the path and we could continue our walk. But it just remained there maintaining eye contact with me, and the dog still did not see or at least react to it. If the snake was not going to move then I just determined to go on back toward home but thought, "What if someone comes along and does not see the snake?" I stayed there and two ladies came up the path on bicycles. I was afraid that they might hit the snake and cause them to fall off the bikes onto the snake. The first lady came up the path and like a crazy old man (now there is a truth but I left off the pervert part) I was waving my arms telling her to stop. She ignored me and came on so I motioned her to stay on the far righthand side to miss the snake. Instead she stopped and straddled her bike right beside the snake which had not moved. She looked down and said, "I don't see a snake"! The other lady slowed down and said, "I don't see a snake." I was still looking right at the snake and it was looking at me! From the other direction came a group of teenagers who had a flashlight, and I warned them not to go as there was a snake in the path. Naturally they all rushed to see the snake. They returned back to me saying there was not a snake! Everyone laughs when I tell this true story but it has a spiritual point. If you are a sinner then the god of this world has you blinded to the truth. The dangers of sin are so great and we are blinded to its path of destruction. Our sinfulness is so total that we cannot on our own see our way out. We are lost without hope apart from Christ. However at this point in time with my farewell to the "friends" on The Cakes Report, Bratton Report and NBBCOF there is a blindness that seems to come from God. A strange blindness that keeps the truth from being given. Perhaps to keep them from coming to the truth themselves or to keep them from hindering others from coming to the truth. Anyway there was a real snake on that path. It made a noise to get my attention. All these other people who didn't see the snake could evidence the fact that the snake was just an illusion on my part (boy ain't that the truth). However way you wish to interpret it, I can only say I saw a snake and I tried to warn folks to keep them from harm! They would not listen.

Oh, by the way this is not the first time I have had a "vision" when walking Roscoe on that trail. So please be warned if you are walking that path in Collierville and see a chubby old man acting weird, don't worry, it is just me having another vision. That is how us perverts do it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Heritage

My great, great, great, great grandpappy was Hezekiah CALVIN. My ggggrandpappy, Barney (no kin to Barney Fife however), and his brother Jacob Page married Hezekiah's daughters. Wait a minute, something ain't right with this picture! Relations marrying relations? Ain't there some law against that? So I guess that makes us Pages all CALVINS. Hezekiah was a member of the Mulberry Creek Two Cents in the Spirit-Filled Baptist Church as recorded in 1820. Mulberry Creek is a part of the Indian Creek district on the banks of the Ibeswitched Fork River in Dekalb County, Tennessee. Now you know why my roots grow deep in hyper-Calvinism! Ha! Like the Two Cents view, it hardly exists at all today. I just can't understand why people laugh at me and say I am a pervert and a chubby one at that.

Oh, by the way... today is my birthday! Oh Happy Birthday to me, Oh Happy Birthday to me!